Rippl's impact gear is rigourously tested to a high standard, to ensure that our shorts take the brunt. This means you can ride confidently and push your limits harder than before.
Our Ice CamoImpact Shorts boast a full tailbone, 2 hip and 2 upper leg pads, specifically spaced to make sure you have the perfect balance between protection and enough room for flexibility.
Our Ice Camo Impact Shorts are made from breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics that keep you cool and dry, with a lightweight stretch-fit design that feels as comfortable as underwear.
They are discreet, just like underwear – They are your secret weapon for long rides.
Reduced impact and discomfort in your hips and butt from falls can lead to better focus, sharper reactions, and more precise control on the slopes.
Knowing you're protected from harsh falls allows you to push your limits, try new tricks, and ride with greater freedom without fear of injury.
By minimizing injury and recovery time, Ice Camo Impact Shorts help you get back on the slopes faster after a hard fall, so you can keep riding without missing a beat.
There are medical conditions which can arise from long and prolonged Impacts to The Tailbone and Hips over a number of years.
Snowboarding is a thrilling sport that offers adrenaline and freedom to those who love the slopes. But for snowboarders over 35, the risk of long-term injuries increases, particularly in the tailbone area. Recent studies suggest that older snowboarders are more susceptible to conditions like Coccygeal Microtrauma Syndrome and Osteoarthritis in the sacrococcygeal joint. These issues arise from repeated low-impact trauma to the coccyx, leading to cumulative damage that can manifest later in life.
Coccygeal Microtrauma Syndrome is caused by repeated low-level impacts on the tailbone (coccyx), which can result in tiny, often undetectable fractures known as microtraumas. These microtraumas may not cause immediate symptoms, but over time, they accumulate and weaken the bone structure. This condition can lead to chronic pain, inflammation, and even changes in the alignment and function of the sacrococcygeal joint.
Of course, if you don't ride too often, it's unlikley to be a major issue, but it’s always something to consider if you have been riding for a number of years.
Check out our fulfilment process - Our shorts are quality checked at the warehouse, before being hand picked, packed and delivered straight to your door.
Check out our fulfilment process - Our shorts are quality checked at the warehouse, before being hand picked, packed and delivered straight to your door.